Iteration 2 - Deploy to Prod

In this iteration we are going to set up the pipeline that will allow us to auto-deploy our code to production.

Iteration Goal

Deploy our API code to a Production environment (Azure), and do so in a way that’s automated - i.e. whenever we want to publish new code this will flow through to production with little, to no effort.

What we’ll build

By the end of this iteration we will have:

  • Hosted our code on GitHub
  • Created an API App service on Azure
  • Configured GitHub actions to build and deploy our app
  • Created a Container Instance on Azure (running PostgreSQL)
  • Configured out API App service
  • Tested our API running on Azure

Iteration Code

The code for this iteration can be found here.

Pushing to GitHub

In Iteration 01 we initialized Git, created a feature branch, and merged that feature branch to main. This was all done with Git on our local machines. This is a good way to work with code locally because you can ensure that any new additions to your code work before merging back to main.

Before I used Git I’d often make changes to code, break everything, and try to revert back to a working copy - this difficult without something like Git… ctrl+z only goes so far!

The real power of Git (and source control in general) is when we can share the codebase between multiple developers so they can all work on it at the same time. This is where something like GitHub comes in.

Create a GitHub Repository

In Iteration 0 we discussed the need to set up a GitHub account, so I’m assuming that has been done - if not you’ll need to do it before moving on.

There are number of ways to create a new repository, I always use the dropdown in the top right hand corner of my profile page:

Create GitHub Repository

Fill out the new repository form as follows (you can of course name things differently):

Create GitHub Repository Form

When done, click Create repository and you should see the following page:

Repository Created

At this point all we have done is create an empty repository on GitHub, there is still no connection between this and our local Git repository. We’ll change that now…

Create Remote

As we already have an existing local Git repository, all we need to do is create a link to our remote (GitHub) repository and push our code up.

Back at a command prompt, make sure you’re “in” the project folder, and type:

git remote add origin

If you’ve called your GitHub repository something different, then change the name accordingly.

Authenticate to GitHub

Before we can push our code up to GitHub from our command line, you may need to authenticate to GitHub (from the command line). To do this I recommend Github Tools - which was another pre-requisite from Iteration 0

To login to GitHub and ensure we’re authenticated to push code, type the following:

gh auth login

If asked, select from the next menu:

Login to GitHub

Select HTTPS from the next menu:

Select HTTPS

Select (y) to login with GitHub credentials:

Select HTTPS

Select: Login with a web browser

Select Login with Web Browser

Follow the instructions to open the browser:

Copy code and open browser

Select your account:

Select account

Enter the code and continue

Select account

Select Authorize if you’re happy to continue:


You may be asked to login to GitHub again, I’ve not shown this, as the method of login can vary depending on your set up.

And we’re done!

Login confirmed

Push the code

Then we just push our code:

git push -u origin main

You should see something similar to:

CommandAPI ~> git push -u origin main
Enumerating objects: 21, done.
Counting objects: 100% (21/21), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
Writing objects: 100% (21/21), 7.85 KiB | 1.96 MiB/s, done.
Total 21 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done.
 * [new branch]      main -> main
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.

If we refresh the GitHub repository page, you should see that our code has been pushed up to GitHub:

Login confirmed

Create an App Service

While having the API running on our local development machine is awesome, ultimately most software is destined for greater things - and that means running in a Production Environment!

There are many ways you can achieve this goal, but for this book we’re going to use Microsoft Azure.

Working with Azure

Not only is Azure a massive, and ever-expanding product (or set of products), it can also be administered in many different ways. In this iteration we’ll be using 2 of those methods:

  1. Azure Portal - a web interface that has a lower barrier to entry for new users
  2. Azure CLI - a command line utility that requires a bit more knowledge of Azure

There are pros and cons for each of these (and the others not mentioned), and if you’ve not done so already, I’m sure you will develop your favorite. If you’re like me, you’ll end up using different approaches for different scenarios - which is exactly what we’ll be doing here!

Getting started

Setting up an Azure account was covered in Iteration 0

Login to the Azure portal and select Create a resource:

Create a resource

Search for api app & hit enter:

Search for API APP

Select the API App from Microsoft

Select API APP

Then select create

Create API APP

There’s a few pages (or tabs) to go through here, with each page potentially having a number of sections. We’ll break it down by page, and then by each section on that page.


Project Details

  • Select your subscription
  • Select or create a new Resource Group

Basics - Project Details

Instance Details

  • Name: What ever you want to name your app!
  • Uncheck “Try a unique hostname”
  • Publish: Code
  • Runtime Stack: .NET 8(LTS)
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Region: Select your geographically closest region

Basics - Instance Details

Pricing Plans

  • Linux Plan: Select an existing plan or create a new one
  • Pricing Plan: Select Basic B1

Basics - Pricing Plans

There is a “Free” plan, which is 1 down from the Basic plan we’ve selected, however that does not support the use of GitHub Actions which are a critical part of our deployment pipeline.

Zone Redundancy

  • Disabled

Basics - Zone Redundancy

  • Uncheck all

Basics - Recommended Services

Click on Next: Deployment >


Continuous deployment settings

  • Continuous Deployment: Enable

Deployment - Continuous deployment settings

GitHub Settings

If this is the first time you are doing this you’ll need to connect a GitHub account.

Connecting a GitHub account
  • GitHub Account - select Authorize

Deployment - Authorizing a GitHub Account

This will open a new window and detect the GitHub account you are logged in with, click Authorize AzureAppService

Deployment - Authorizing a GitHub Account

Depending on how you authenticate to GitHub, you may be asked to login again. I’ve omitted this step as it may look different depending on how you do that.

You should be returned to the Deployment page where you can continue to select the following:

  • Organization: Your account
  • Repository: Your repository (I called mine CommandAPI8)
  • Branch: main

Deployment - GitHub Settings

Workflow configuration

We will circle back to what this is and go through the contents in more detail, for now we don’t need to view it.

Authentication settings

  • Basic authentication: Disable

Deployment - Authentication Settings

Click on Next: Networking >


  • Enable public access: On
  • Enable network injection: Off


Click on Next: Monitor + secure >

  • Enable Application Insights: Yes
  • Application Insights: New


Click on Next: Review + create >

Review + create

This will display a review page, ensure your happy and click Create

Review and Create

This will initiate the deployment in Azure

Deployment in progress

After a minute or two you should see the deployment has been successful:

Deployment successful

GitHub Actions

In the Deployment step in the last section we elected to use GitHub Actions - but what are GitHub actions?

If we navigate back to our project on GitHub we’ll notice a new addition:

Deployment successful

In this folder we will find a YAML file, in my case this is called: main_command8api.yml.

This file is essentially a set of automation steps that GitHub (Actions) will run every time code is pushed to our remote repository. In this case it (re)deploys our code to the Azure App Service we just created.

This file was created for us automatically by Azure. We’ll not be altering it in this chapter, but it goes without saying that you can tailor it to your needs.


The concept of deploying code every time code changes are made, is referred to generically as “CI/CD”, or : Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (or Deployment).

You can read about this practice further in the theory section, but it was essentially born out of the wider agile software delivery movement, where upfront realization of “value” is at the forefront of it’s thinking.

What this means for us in practice is that every time we add new features (or fix bugs) and push them to GitHub, this workflow will run and deploy our code. The value that our features have are realized in production for use.

This is what this whole iteration is building towards, so once we set this up and move through subsequent iterations, those changes will flow through to production.

But we’re not quite there yet, there is still some work to do…

Pulling changes

Before we move on, we’ll want to ensure that our local copy of our API code is in sync with the GitHub repository. From this statement, what you’ll now come to realize is that our local copy of the code is no longer the central point of reference - the GitHub copy is.

The code (the .yml file) that’s been committed to the GutHub repository (by Azure) is no different to code that may be pushed to that repository by our teammates. Therefore we should adopt the practice of refreshing the local copy of our code to ensure we have the latest changes.

Let’s do that now.

At a command prompt, ensure you are “in” the code project folder and type:

git branch

If you are not on main then:

git checkout main

Now that we have switched to our main branch we can pull our code:

git pull

This will retrieve the changes from GitHub and apply them locally, you should see output similar to the following:

remote: Enumerating objects: 6, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), 1.16 KiB | 42.00 KiB/s, done.
   15a9127..6b50f2e  main       -> origin/main
Updating 15a9127..6b50f2e
 .github/workflows/main_command8apinew.yml | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/main_command8apinew.yml

Looking at VS Code (not shown) you should see that your project now has a .github folder (and the associated .yml file).

Build & Deploy Steps

Opening the .yml file, you should see something similar to the following:

# Docs for the Azure Web Apps Deploy action:
# More GitHub Actions for Azure:

name: Build and deploy ASP.Net Core app to Azure Web App - commandapi8

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Set up .NET Core
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
          dotnet-version: '8.x'

      - name: Build with dotnet
        run: dotnet build --configuration Release

      - name: dotnet publish
        run: dotnet publish -c Release -o ${{env.DOTNET_ROOT}}/myapp

      - name: Upload artifact for deployment job
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: .net-app
          path: ${{env.DOTNET_ROOT}}/myapp

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
      name: 'Production'
      url: ${{ steps.deploy-to-webapp.outputs.webapp-url }}
      id-token: write #This is required for requesting the JWT

      - name: Download artifact from build job
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          name: .net-app
      - name: Login to Azure
        uses: azure/login@v2
          client-id: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_CLIENTID_CE4E44EF636D41FD9F8AD13AD7B91A17 }}
          tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_TENANTID_7E50AD70B6F14E61A3D92650795E3F92 }}
          subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_SUBSCRIPTIONID_A367C62574E3415685BF019E29236BCC }}

      - name: Deploy to Azure Web App
        id: deploy-to-webapp
        uses: azure/webapps-deploy@v3
          app-name: 'commandapi8'
          slot-name: 'Production'
          package: .

I’m not going to go through each line in detail, but at a high level it does the following:

  • Triggers when code is pushed to the main branch
  • Runs a build job that:
    • Checks out the code
    • Sets up a .NET 8 environment for building
    • Runs dotnet build
    • Runs dotnet publish to create a build artifact
    • Uploads that artifact for deployment
  • Runs a deploy job that:
    • Specifies the environment for deployment
    • Gets the build artifact from the prior step
    • Logs in to Azure (using secrets that are configured in GitHub)
    • Deploys our artifact

This aligns to CI/CD in the following way:

  • CI = build job
  • CD = deploy job

Create PostgreSQL Instance

In this section we’ll be working with Azure again, but this time we’ll be working with the Azure CLI.

Azure CLI is a recommended dependency from Iteration 0.

Create a Container Registry

Login to Azure using the Azure CLI by typing:

az login

We’ll use the same resource group that we’ve used previously in this section.

Create the ACR

az acr create --resource-group --name commanderacr --sku Basic --location "australiasoutheast"

NOTE: Replace the --location with whatever locale you are using.

If successful, you’ll get a JSON payload response detailing the ACR.

Set admin-enabled to true

az acr update --name commanderacr --admin-enabled true

Make sure that in the JSON response you see the following:

"adminUserEnabled": true

Get the login credentials for the ACR:

az acr credential show --name commanderacr

This will return something similar to the following:

  "passwords": [
      "name": "password",
      "value": "<REDACTED>"
      "name": "password2",
      "value": "REDACTED"
  "username": "commanderacr"

Put aside the username and password (in a secure location in preparation for the next step)

IMPORTANT Ensure that Docker is running locally before attempting the next step

Next we’ll check that we have the latest version of the postgres image on our local machine:

docker pull postgres:latest

If a new version is required this may take a minute or so.

Once the image has been downloaded we are going to tag it with out ACR, (ensure that you replace your registry name as appropriate):

docker tag postgres:latest

Next we’ll login to the ACR from the CLI (ensure that Docker is still running at this point):

az acr login --name commanderacr

Enter the username and password obtained in the section above.

We’ll now push the postges image up to our ACR:

docker push

You should see the image being pushed up to Azure:

lesja ~> docker push
The push refers to repository []
a7e4c23b4cff: Pushed
22b712b08f69: Pushed
b4afa05fc275: Pushed
8690ec8b7636: Pushed
5b98708a3c81: Pushed
198c34bae69f: Pushing [=>                                                 ]  12.12MB/317MB
bdca379f8f8f: Pushed
d682763b036f: Pushed
d809413e4c84: Pushed
e769174636eb: Pushing [================================>                  ]  16.54MB/25.19MB
dbdfaa7cdcc9: Pushed
1fcc8027fd1d: Pushing [==================================================>]  10.15MB
98376b4b3727: Pushed
c3548211b826: Pushing [======>                                            ]  10.29MB/74.78MB

When it’s complete we can list the images in our ACR as follows:

az acr repository list --name commanderacr --output table

You should see something similar to the following:


Configure a Postgres Container Instance

NOTE: There is a LOT of room for error in this command, so ensure that you double check the name being used for the ACR, and well as the value for dns-name-label.

az container create --resource-group --name postgresql --image --registry-login-server --registry-username commanderacr --registry-password <REDACTED> --cpu 1 --memory 1.5 --ports 5432 --environment-variables POSTGRES_USER=cmddbuser POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Pa55w0rd? POSTGRES_DB=commands --location australiasoutheast --ip-address public --dns-name-label commanderapipgdb

If successful you should get a JSON payload response detailing the container instance config. Make a note of the fdqn value as we’ll be needing this later.

We should check the status of the container instance before moving on to make sure it is in the Running state. To do so type the following:

az container show --resource-group --name postgresql --query "instanceView.state" --output tsv

This should return a value of: Running.

Test the connection

We are going to follow the same steps as shown here in Iteration 1 so I’m not going to detail them again here. The only differences are:

  • The value you provide for Host, instead of localhost this will be the fdqn value of our container instance.
  • I’ve heightened the password complexity a little so this value is different

Assuming all is well you should see:

Deployment successful

Our instance of Postgres is now ready for us to use.

Just be clear that we’ve really just created the Postges instance and the commands database, the schema for our API is still not there. We deal with this at the end of this iteration.

Configure the App Service

There is 1 last thing we need to do from set up perspective on our API App Service, and that is provide configuration values.

In Iteration 1, specifically the section on .NET Configuration, we discussed the following configuration sources:

  • appSettings.json: Used for non-sensitive config
  • User Secrets: Used for sensitive config

In both cases these sources are ok for a development environment, but not for a production environment like Azure, so we need to configure that - in Azure.

As a reminder we have the following config elements:

  • PostgreSqlConncetion: This contained the non-sensitive aspects of the connection string
  • DbUserId: This contained the user name of the PostgreSQL DB user
  • DbPassword: This contained the password of the PostgreSQL DB user

We will create these same configuration elements directly in Azure so that our app code (running in Azure) will pick them up. Remembering that the .NET Configuration API provides a layer of abstraction over the actual config sources (e.g. User Secrets, App Settings etc.), meaning that running app does not care where they come from, so long as they are there!

Connection String

Back in the Azure Portal, go back to the home page, and select “All resources”:

All resources

Then find your API App Service and select it:

All resources


  1. Settings
  2. Environment Variables
  3. Connection Strings

Connection Strings

Select “+ Add”, and populate the fields as follows:

  • Name: PostgreSqlConncetion - the exact same as our local connection string element
  • Value:;Port=5432;Database=commands;Pooling=true;
  • Type: Custom

NOTE: There is a specific value of PostgreSQL in the Type drop-down, but I’ve had issues with this in the past so tend to stick with Custom. Feel free to experiment and let me know how you go!

Add Connection String

When you’re happy select “Apply”, you will be returned to the Environment Variables view, then ensure you select “Apply” again!:

Apply Again

And then select “Confirm” - this will restart the app service:


App settings

Finally in this section we’re going to add the database username, password and environment to the “App settings” section of “Environment Variables”.

  1. Select: “App settings”
  2. Click “+ Add”

App settings

In the next screed we’ll add the value fo the username, so:

  • Name: DbUserId
  • Value: cmddbuser

DB User

Click “Apply”, this will return you to the “Environment Variables” screen, where you can repeat these steps to add our password with the following values:

  • Name: DbPassword
  • Value: Pa55w0rd?

NOTE: While the Name value is identical to our development environment (it kind of needs to be!), I have heightened the password complexity a little bit for Production. You may have picked up in this when I created the Postgres Container instance.

Finally we’re going to specify that the environment is Production by adding the following app setting:

  • Name: Environment
  • Value: Production

Having added our 3 App Settings, you now need to click apply:

DB Password

And as before you’ll need to confirm:


Deploy Code

Back in our program.cs file add the following lines in the location specified:

var app = builder.Build();

// ******* NEW CODE *******
using (var scope = app.Services.CreateScope())
    var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<AppDbContext>();
    dbContext.Database.Migrate(); // Applies pending migrations
// **** END OF NEW CODE ***


Save your changes, then stage them in git as follows:

git add .

Commit those changes with a message:

git commit -m "feat: add auto-run migrations"

Push the changes up to GitHub - and get ready for the magic of CI/CD!

git push origin main

If we move over to the remote repository on GitHub, and select the “Actions” tab, you should see our CI/CD pipeline in action:

GitHUb Actions Running

All things being equal, we should end up with a green deploy:

GitHUb Actions Running


Although we’ve restarted the app service when we applied our environment variables in the last section - I always like to do this again.

In the Azure Portal:

  1. Select Overview
  2. Restart

Restart API App

While in the Overview section, make note of the Default Domain for the service as we’ll need this when making a test call.

Restart API App

Back in Insomnia duplicate one of the test requests we used for our local development instance, and replace localhost with the default domain address:

TIP: I’ll tend to create a separate folders in Insomnia to organize my local and Azure based requests.

Restart API App

You should get a response from the API (you will of course need to create resources on here).

Points to consider

  • The first time you make a request to the API it may take some time, subsequent requests should be sub 1 second
  • If you restart the Container Instance running PostgreSQL, then the data (and schema) will be wiped
    • I have added an item to the backlog to cover the remediation of this